Frontier Markets Pte. Ltd. Apps

Memeapp - Buy & Sell nearby! 2.3.2
WHAT IS MEMEAPPMemeapp is a mobile application to buy and sell beautiful newand second hand products nearby.HOW IT WORKSMemeapp allows everyone to open a free mobile store and makemoney. Kick start your selling career by taking a picture of yournew or second hand product, adding a description, a price andbuyers nearby can immediately find your item.Buyers can simply browse for products or shops selling in thecategories:- Handmade- Home & Living- Fashion Accessories- Women's Fashion- Men's Fashion- Tech cornerMAKE MONEY FROM SELLING YOUR ITEMS ON MOBILESelling on Memeapp is easy, fast and free. Just open your ownmobile store now! Don’t like your heels anymore after one partyweekend? Don’t worry. Simply upload it to your mobile store in lessthan 30 seconds. Thousands of buyers will immediately discover youritem, chat you inside Memeapp and you quickly meet to get paid incash. Making money from your new and second hand items was neverthat easy.GRAB BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTS FROM SELLERS NEARBYMemeapp is your everyday local flea market right on your mobilephone that connects nearby buyers and sellers. Discover unique newand second hand stuff whenever you browse Memeapp from home, at theuniversity, your office or even while waiting for someone in acoffee shop. Want that cool thing? Just chat, the seller, meet andgrab it!FEATURESMemeapp is the first mobile flea market application in Vietnamwhere buyers and sellers connect and share their passion forunique, beautiful lifestyle products.We are the only buying and selling application in Vietnam thatgives you a nearby experience. Search items starting from 100maround you, chat the seller and walk over to grab it!Find new and second hand items in our cool categories like WomenFashion, Men, Baby & Kids, Tech Corner, Games & Toys,Sports, Music, Home & Furniture, Books, Vintage, BeautyProducts and Fashion Accessories.Buyers and sellers can use our fast and simple chat on Memeappto close the deal and agree on a date and place to meet. Then yousimply meet and hand over the cash for the product after you aresatisfied with the quality and condition. No Risk involved and heyyou might find new friends :)We are always nearby and love to hear from you. Follow us or sayhi via:Email: [email protected]: https://blog.memeapp.coWeb marketplace: https://www.memeapp.coFacebook: Follow us at @memeapp_vnFlea markets: Or grab a gift at our booths in all flea markets inHCMC